Covid Wedding Restrictions | Micro Weddings and Elopements


With COVID restrictions affecting so many weddings in Melbourne, micro weddings and elopements are becoming the norm. You CAN still marry when restrictions are lifted! It might not be what you had envisioned but it can still be wonderful; look at Princess Beatrice and Edoardo! Who would’ve thought a royal would have a smaller wedding without the fanfare? The events of 2020 have forced many businesses and proceedings to pivot, particularly the wedding industry.


Danni’s and Phil’s wedding is a perfect example of how you can achieve a COVID wedding under restrictions. After several date changes and rethinking their original plans, they decided that being married was the most important element to their relationship. Sharing it with their friends and family was also imperative; enter the new world of virtually streaming weddings. Their home became the venue with their extended and live-in family the wedding party and witnesses. Danni had the dress (absolutely stunning), Phil donned his suit (and what a statement it made), add a cake, photos, videos, some music and me, and it was time to get married. But first, we had to do all the setup for the all-important Zoom call.

Covid Wedding Restrictions - Danni and Phil's COVID Restricted Wedding
Covid Wedding Restrictions - Danni and Phil's COVID Wedding

You know you’re in luck when the groom is an IT and AV technician; this certainly helped in getting the streaming right. Phil did all the planning, sorting, organising and setup to have about 60 guests logged into Zoom from around the state, country and world. It was all tested and checked before we began, but the AV tech himself certainly said he learnt a lot about the whole experience. It was very emotional to see the bride and groom connecting with family and friends who otherwise might not have made it to their original wedding. Danni and Phil were absolutely overjoyed with their ceremony; intimate, emotional, humorous and capturing their journey and love story. For me, it was a little different only hearing a small bridal party and bride and groom laugh at the jokes throughout whilst still delivering to a ‘big crowd’!

Ultimately, their ‘Zoom’ wedding was a complete success as they were able to have all their family and friends ‘with’ them to share their love and marriage. Once I announced them as newly married, I congratulated them from afar whilst they grabbed a drink and greeted all their guests online with smiles and tears. It was beautiful to see that all their planning and re-planning had come to fruition to finally make them husband and wife. I have included their beautiful love story and vows to highlight their wonder of falling in love and starting a new life together. Enjoy.

If you’re looking for a fabulous celebrant to celebrate your day, then contact me.

Covid Wedding Restrictions - Danni and Phil's COVID Wedding
Covid Wedding Restrictions - Danni and Phil's COVID Wedding
Covid Wedding Restrictions - Danni and Phil's COVID Wedding

Danni and Phil’s Love Story


Danni and Phil met on Tinder in November 2016 where Danni fell for him over the phone and had to lock a first date in, and she did. Upon their meeting, Phil thought Danni was attractive, had a great smile and oozed confidence whilst Danni was impressed with his dress sense, but thought he was a little smug, smooth and full of himself! By the end of the date, though, she knew there was a spark. Phil stated he never kissed on the first date where Danni replied, ‘You kiss me or you never see me again!” He kissed her.


In these early stages of dating Danni loved that Phil was fun and really knew who he was, not pretending to be anyone else. Phil learnt that Danni has experienced a lot in life, good and bad, and takes a lesson from it all. She is a person that really grows with every day. He loved that she had experienced so much and was able to always look forward and make the best of life; even when it isn’t easy. That showed strong character which really impressed him.


It wasn’t long until they fell in love; for Danni it was how much it felt like home to be with Phil. Her mind would just wander back to him all day and until she was with him she couldn’t relax. Phil knew that he loved Danni when he came to fully realise what he was feeling unconsciously – and that was that she is the calm to his storm. He’d always enjoyed a life of harsh contrasts, ups and downs, highs and lows. But, with Danni he could be calm.

Phil’s nurturing instinct is to hold, care for and protect. But, with Danni, he also felt like he was being protected (mostly from his own crazy mind!) It maybe cliché, but, Danni really does help him to be the best version of himself.


One day, Phil and Danni took a day off work, just randomly, and Phil suggested that they go out for a drive and get lunch. He had been planning the proposal for some time but hadn’t really decided WHEN to do it. And that turned out to be the day.


They drove up to Sky High lookout at Mt Dandenong. Danni was dressed comfortably for a day hanging around at home, but Phil was dressed up in a smart shirt and jeans, with a white blazer. They walked up to one of the balconies to look out over the city at the mediocre view, due to the weather. Phil kept them at the railing for some time. And he seemed a bit jumpy and out of sorts, with a nervous belly. Danni was starting to think there was something quite wrong with Phil when, finally, he got down on one knee and asked her to marry him.

A group of tourists at an adjoining balcony gave them a round of applause.


Danni describes Phil as protective, doting and funny. He brings laughter to her life and she admires how his love for family stretches out to everyone. Phil has the most giving heart and he adores Danni for exactly who she is and doesn’t try to change her, he does his best to always understand her and her feelings.


Phil sees Danni as extremely caring, industrious and just perfect. He loves so much about her! Danni is easy to get along with. She loves deeply, works hard, and holds fast to her boundaries. Danni knows her own mind and what she wants. And she will ALWAYS say what she thinks, which has been a real blessing for them as it doesn’t allow for disagreements to fester. Danni shares his love for family and how they will always put their kids first. Also, very importantly, Danni lets him be his silly self and doesn’t get embarrassed by his incessant dad jokes and playfulness. She is the master of facing discomfort and just deals with what’s at hand and is a great teacher.


In fact, Danni is very accepting of his failures and shortcomings. They don’t have any false pretence about perfection. Danni and Phi just love each other and try their best to always listen, learn and be better.


Together they love the simple things in life; snuggling on the couch and being with their kids and grandkids. In continuing their relationship in marriage, Danni and Phil will be letting each other be themselves and be independent of each other. They will openly show love and do the little things that demonstrate that they care every day. Healthy debate and being able to disagree without trying to win, be more concerned with working things out so to limit your partner’s distress is what their relationship is about.


In being married, they look forward to knowing that they will never be apart and that they have shown the world how important they are to each other. For Phil, life is just grand, especially with a gorgeous wife to snuggle and Danni is looking forward to the ring, lol, and all that their commitment brings. Today is just the icing on the cake for their already perfect life.




Danielle, I pledge to stand with you, and for you, when times are tough, in the face of all adversity. I vow to always put family first, and, to always love patting you on the backside.

I vow to do my very best to listen first, before objecting, and to listen MORE than I speak. I promise to continue to learn from every argument and disagreement.

I do sincerely pledge to ALWAYS keep my sense of humour – even long after you wish that I’d just, “let it go”!

I vow to admit to my mistakes and to keep trying to be better; a better man, a better dad and grandad, a better husband and partner.

The easiest vow that I will make is to always appreciate you because, quite honestly, there is so much to love and appreciate in you and your beautiful soul.

Overall, I pledge to protect that kind and loving heart against the ravages of the world and to hold you close to me..



So many people have asked me why marry at our age, why marry again?

The answer to that question is very clear to me

Because for me, this is the first time

The first time I have been completely and utterly loved for exactly who I am

The first time I have known without any doubt that this is forever

The first time that my home has felt complete

I laugh every day because of the joy you bring to me, I come home to your arms and know that I am protected unconditionally

You have the kindest heart I have ever known, so patient, so selfless

You have the kindest eyes I have ever seen, always loving and adoring

You have brought calm, peace and certainty to my life

So today I say, this is my first time, the first time I know without any doubt in my heart, without any doubt in my mind that I marry my life partner and that together we will love our children and grandchildren with all that we have and will enjoy all the little things and special moments life brings together.


Want to get married legally soon and celebrate later, then contact me now.