Mum and Dad, please light the candle. Please repeat after me.
We light this candle
To honour the light that Child has given us.
We love you very much.
You are a precious gift.
We promise to do the best we can
To provide a loving, stimulating and nurturing home,
To instil in you a love of life,
And to encourage you
To shine in whatever you choose to do.
We wish for your life to be filled with joy,
For you to grow up happy and confident,
Knowing you are very special,
And loved with all our hearts.
This is the very light of love, hope and promise and represents the great light of Child’s life and the light of Mum’s and Dad’s love for her. The flame of the candle represents the light which will guide and protect Child through life’s journey of tears and laughter, of joy and sorrow, and of happiness, sadness and great love.