Madeline’s and Haydn’s Dandenong Ranges Wedding at the wonderful Marybrooke Manor. was held over the long weekend in March. With many of the 65 guests coming from Geelong way, this Melbourne wedding venue was the perfect choice with everything, including accommodation, onsite. And, for this Melbourne celebrant, only 15-odd minutes from home. The conditions were perfect for the bride, groom and their 3 bridesmaids and 3 groomsmen. These two lovebirds were so excited to be married!

Haydn and Maddie included a couple of readings in their ceremony, father Sean walked her down the aisle and, in the traditional manner, also gave her away. See below for their story and vows. And, the ceremony concluded with the ever-popular petal toss as they walked back down the aisle as husband and wife. Thanks for having me Maddie and Haydn!

Marybrooke Manor Wedding Melbourne Celebrant Julie

The Review

My husband and I got married on the 13th March with Julie as our celebrant.

From our first meeting via zoom right up until our wedding day Julie was always so friendly, easy going and both professional and fun. She set the tone for our ceremony exactly as we had hoped it would be, and made us both feel comfortable and at ease, whilst describing our story perfectly.

We are so glad that we chose Julie as our celebrant and would highly recommend her to other couples also!

Thank you so much Julie!

Haydn and Maddie xx

Their Love Story

Madeline and Haydn met, properly, in year 9 through mutual friends, but they also went to primary school together too. They were even in the same class in grade 6 but Haydn doesn’t remember Maddie at all.

Madeline’s first impression of Haydn was that he was a typical boy’s boy; very sporty with a silly sense of humour. He had really curly hair, brilliant blue eyes and an infectious smile, and she thought he was very cute. Haydn thought Maddie was a nice person. She was easy-going, easy to talk to, and kind to others. She loved her family and her animals.

For their first date Haydn and Maddie went to Maccas in town (Geelong) for lunch. Afterwards they saw The Avengers at the movies. It went well, despite their nerves and poor Haydn spilling his drink everywhere just after they ordered lunch.

Julie Byrne melbourne celebrant

In these early stages of dating, Madeline was most impressed with how skilled Haydn was at sport, how smart he was at maths and how likeable and infectious his personality was and still is. She was also impressed by his strong family values and how selfless he is. Haydn was impressed with how loving and caring Maddie was and is; her presence just made life seem easier and made him happy. Their love developed through dates and getting to know each other, and Haydn proposed on a holiday to Sydney, that was also a golf trip, in August 2019 at Bondi beach. It was meant to be a surprise; however, Maddie couldn’t resist looking in Haydn’s bag earlier in the day and saw the box there. They had been discussing marriage for a while.

Maddie describes Haydn as funny, loving, and thoughtful. She loves that Haydn will always take care of her when she’s tired, unwell or if she’s had a bad day. Even if it’s something as simple as tucking her into bed and fluffing up the pillows. Maddie loves that he still thinks she’s beautiful even when there is no makeup and hair is a mess. She loves that Haydn is very family orientated and will always put others ahead of himself. When she’s stressed or down, he will always make her feel calm and will often make her laugh and feel better. Haydn has taught Madeline to be not as impatient or hot tempered, to be understanding of others and to appreciate the simple things in life… like playing scrabble, fishing, and camping.

Maddie and Hadyn melbourne wedding

Haydn describes Maddie as kind, loving and intelligent. He loves that Maddie is always happy to see him and he loves that she is smart and full of life. She can calm him down when he’s stressed or feeling frustrated and knows how to make him smile. Maddie has taught Haydn how to dress appropriately and not wear his trackpants everywhere. She has shown him to love pets as if they are your children, and to put the toilet seat down, although it’s still a work in progress.

Together Maddie and Haydn enjoy date nights, often involving dinner and a movie. They enjoy watching movies and shows together on Netflix, particularly comedies. taking their dog Lucy for a walk along the beach, going to the footy to see Geelong play, cooking together, playing games and going on holidays together. They also enjoy going for drives to new places and singing loudly in the car together.

In marriage they know that trust, honesty, and commitment will be extremely important. Maddie looks forward to spending every day together as husband and wife and, for Haydn, waking up to this amazing woman every day.  They can’t wait to buy our house, travel, start and family and, simply, to do life together.

The Wedding Vows


From the moment I met you I fell in love with your cheeky grin and your happy and caring personality and from the first date I knew then you were the one for me.

Although we have had some challenges in out 10 years of being together you have always managed to keep your smile as we got though it together.

There will be times where we can sometimes frustrate each other however I will always I love you Maddie and I will endeavour to be the best husband to you that I possibly can.

I look forward to the life we will have together.


Haydn, when I first met you, I never would have thought that the laid back, cheeky kid who cared more about sport than school, and so unlike myself, would become such a big part of my life. But I’m so glad that you did.

You are my best friend, my perfect match, the love of my life, and my favourite pest. When I’m with you, I can be exactly as I am. I love that you are thoughtful, generous and selfless, and are always there for me when I need you, through good times and bad. I love your silly sense of humour, that you can always make me smile, and that you continue to challenge me to try new things, like camping and fishing, and be a better version of myself.

Today I promise to always respect you, to value your opinions and love you unconditionally. I promise to continue to create new memories together that we will always cherish, and encourage you to be all that you can be, even as we grow older together.

I love you Haydn with all my heart, and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us together.

Marybrooke Manor Wedding Melbourne Celebrant Julie2
Marybrooke Manor Wedding maddie and haydn
AND, if you’re looking for that awesome celebrant in the Yarra Valley, Dandenong Ranges, Melbourne and surrounds, then look no further.