Micro Wedding Melbourne | Fitzroy Gardens

Small weddings are great weddings. Micro Weddings Melbourne are becoming more popular with couples as they choose to plan their wedding their way.

Laura and Phil wanted their closest friends and immediate family to be guests as they married in an enclave of the Fitzroy Gardens and then celebrated at Rice Paper Scissors. As photographer Nikki McCrone summed it up – sweet, simple and significant and it was an absolute delight for a Thursday afternoon in spring.

Guests gathered around the ceremony space decorated and framed Kellee Flowers while sipping champagne and drinks. Siblings, niece, and nephew were involved in the ceremony, and the vibe was intimate, carefree, and relaxed.

Laura mentioned to me afterwards in an email that her favourite part of the day was the ceremony (yay!); my favourite part was her choosing the amazing dress from Rachel Gilbert. She owned it!

Don’t be afraid to choose a Micro Wedding as they are a great option. For the adorable Laura and Phil, it was exactly what they wished for.

Their Love Story

Laura and Phil met in February 2013 and started going out in October 2014. Phil was 23 and Laura 20.

They were both working at Hoyts Victoria Gardens, where Phil was a manager then, and Laura worked in the candy bar.

When they first met, Phil was Laura’s supervisor and thought he was slightly strict! She did not romantically see him at all. She remembers him telling her off for eating M&Ms in the walk-in fridge.

Secondly, a pertinent moment was Phil training Laura on the floor. It was just the two of them in a cinema cleaning after a session. (It is now so ironic that Phil taught Laura to clean)!

They were talking and laughing with playful banter. She knew instantly that he was a guy that everyone wanted to be around because his personality was infectious.

He was very cute; he included everyone on shift and made them feel comfortable. Laura did not think she had a chance with a guy like that!

Micro Wedding Melbourne

MnMs to Micro Wedding Melbourne

Phil’s first-ever memory of Laura was her being trained on floor at Hoyts. As was typical of Hoyts staff members, Laura was learning the essential skill of standing around and chatting in clear view of customers, instead of doing any actual work. Phil traipsed off to clean and fast forward 30 minutes, he’s stuffed, with aura nowhere to be seen!

Wondering where the trainer and the trainee have gone, he checks behind the candy bar to see Laura and the trainer just standing there, happily chatting, and eating from a bag of MnMs. So, not the best first impression!

Micro Wedding Melbourne

Laura and Phil didn’t have a first “official date” as they regularly saw each other at work, but when they started hanging out, they would take their dogs, Bella and Polar, to Macleay Park for a walk. They could talk forever.

Laura remembers it was natural and easy like they had known each other for years. There was no need to dress up or impress each other; they just walked and talked!

They had to hide their relationship, as Phil was a manager! Laura remembers having a lot of fun keeping that secret. Phil made her feel so happy, the happiest she’d ever felt.

She was impressed with how smart he was, how strong he was and how funny he was! Phil was her first boyfriend, and she didn’t expect him to be so kind and considerate.

For Phil, it was clear how kind and caring Laura was from the start. He remembers one of their first family dinners, and Laura was so relaxed and happy to talk to his family, which is saying something because he thinks his family is boring!

They loved each other from quite early on, and Phil proposed at home in June, the day before they left for Japan, and Barney was there to witness it all. It was casual, shocking (for Laura) and just perfect.

Laura describes Phil as supportive, playful, and kind. She loves his ability to reassure her and always make her feel better, his humour, cheekiness and sassiness and having a person she can tell anything, big or small.

She loves that he makes her smile and laugh every day and that her favourite part of the day is coming home to be with him. They don’t need to do anything ‘special’; just sitting together on the couch is enough.

Phil describes Laura as caring, supportive, and emotional. She is easy to talk to and (most of the time!) get along with. She takes care of him and puts up with his many useless and annoying traits. She is gullible and naïve, which provides him with endless fun.

Micro Wedding Melbourne

Together, Laura and Phil love walking Barney, talking about Barney and being home with Barney, watching Friends or The Office, exercising and walking, their garage workouts, Saturday morning runs, and walking down to the local oval. Phil has even had Laura doing weights lately!

But they also love eating and going out for dinner. And travelling, as they’ve spent Christmas in Paris and New York, and New Years Eve in San Fran and Bali.

In marriage, Laura and Phil will openly communicate with each other, have fun, and love each other more than anything!!

They look forward to being their own little family, to have made a lifelong commitment, and for Laura to call Phil her husband! For Phil, people will finally stop bugging him about getting engaged and married! Peace at last!

They can’t wait to buy their forever home and make it their own, to have two beautiful children, hopefully. travel as a family and have the most fun possible.

They aim to grow old together and enjoy their fantastic life. As of today, that will be as husband and wife.

Taylor Swift Inspired Vows

For the couple’s Micro Wedding Melbourne vows, they choose to include song lyrics from Taylor Swift’s songs!

Laura’s Vows

I take this magnetic force of a man to be my husband. There’s a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear.

I swear to be overdramatic and true. You’ll save all your dirtiest jokes for me. And at every table, I’ll save you a seat.

Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close, forever, and ever? Take me out, and take me home You’re my, my, my, my Lover.

All’s well that ends well, to end up with you.

Phil’s Vows

From our first meeting, when I told you off for eating food in the freezer at Hoyts, I knew you were trouble when you walked in.

And while not much has changed in that regard, as I got to know you, I have truly never seen anybody shine the way you do.

You are generous, caring, kind, thoughtful and, most importantly, even in my worst times (of which there are many) you can always see the best in me.

Over the years, the invisible string between us has grown larger and larger until now, where this love is ours and you are the best thing that’s ever been mine – apart from Barney of course.


These Taylor Swift references were tay-riffic at Laura and Phil’s Micro Wedding Melbourne.

Micro Wedding Melbourne

If you’re looking for a celebrant to celebrate your Micro Wedding Melbourne please contact me here.