Welcome and thank you all for being here today. Please, gather around and together we will form a space of love for this special occasion.
My name is Julie Byrne and I am an authorised celebrant. Today we are here to celebrate Mum’s and Dad’s beautiful daughter, Child, and to formally name and welcome this little person into the loving care of extended family and friends. Your presence is an important part of this day and a way in which you can share the joy and happiness Mum and Dad have on the birth of Child.
The name giving is a simple, although very important and significant ceremony to introduce a new life. We are here today out of love and respect to witness Mum’s and Dad’s commitment to being parents. As parents, we see our child’s potential; we feel their pain and we revel in their success.
A great deal of their lives will be involved in caring for Child. They will be guiding her development as a human being to help her to be a wise, sensitive, honest and caring person and allowing her to grow into the unique and special individual she is destined to become. Mum and Dad will love her for who she is.
The greatest act of love parents can give their child is the love they express for one another. It is certain that the more love Child receives, the more she will benefit in her life and the more love, in turn, she will be able to give to others. The more people to whom Child relates, the more balanced and rich her growth will be. Child should be encouraged to make the most of each opportunity and live life to the fullest. A parents role is to guide, nurture, protect and advise their child.
It’s a big responsibility, but a joyous task as well. Family life creates a sense of purpose. It is where children learn about relationships, communication, feelings, respect and love.