planning your ceremony, where do you start?

HELP! I know nothing about what to include in our ceremony?

EASY! Below outlines the basic structure for a ceremony to act as your starting point. Only the highlighted legal requirements are compulsory so go for your life! There are lots of fabulous and fun choices and decisions to make to create your ultimate ceremony when couples are given access to my resources.

1. Entrance
2. Positioning of Bridal Party/Attendants

Walking Down the Aisle

3. Welcome/Introduce Couple/Remember Loved Ones/Set Vibe!
4. Introduction of Bridal Party/Attendants
5. Background/Love Story of Couple
6. Introduction
7. A Reading
8. The Monitum*
9. The Giving Away
10. The Asking
11. The Vows*
12. Ring Ceremony
13. Versicle
14. A Reading and/or Blessing
15. Declaration of Marriage
16. Signing of the Register and Certificates*

Announcements/Kids Certificates

17. Presentation of Certificate to Couple
18. First Congratulations by Parents

Walk down aisle

Sample Ceremonies

Here are THREE different ceremonies, of varying length and content, to help you get an idea of what you might want.

These were written for couples who have used my INSPIRATION package to choose the ceremony that THEY want. Most of my ceremonies generally go for 15-20 minutes as a lot can be said in this time!

The Just Right Wedding Ceremony

The Just Right Wedding Ceremony

The Just Right Ceremony The JUST RIGHT WEDDING CEREMONY helps incorporate the couples fun stories and memories of each other and is tailored to your unique style. *Please note: Links between sections of the ceremony, instructions given to the participants and ad-lib...

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The Works Wedding Ceremony

The Works Wedding Ceremony

THE WORKS WEDDING CEREMONY Here is an example of an extended ceremony conducted for a couple. The Works Wedding Ceremony is filled with extended, heartfelt words and stories that resonated with many of the attendees. *Please note: Links between sections of the...

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Short Wedding Ceremony

Short Wedding Ceremony

SHORT & SWEET - A Short Wedding Ceremony to Tie the Knot My SHORT AND SWEET CEREMONY - the Short Wedding Ceremony of your dreams - is still tailored to suit the couple and help capture the essence of what makes them uniquely them. Below is an example of a short...

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The Ultimate Planning Tool!

When couples book me, you are given access to online forms and packages, filled with suggestions, tips, tricks, advice and LOADS of options to choose from to include in your ceremony. All you wedding ceremony planning, with all the resources and links, can be done here! Of course, you are not limited to this as Google, Pinterest and Insta also have much to offer. I take couples through this package when we meet up. And, for those who still like ‘old school’ paper, I have that option as well.

The Melbourne Celebrant Julie package includes interactive forms submitted to me once you are happy with your choices. These include:

  • Plan each section of your ceremony (drop down boxes or paste in your own!)
  • Ceremony Checklist (times, those involved, styling choices, requests etc)
  • Plan Out your bridal party (order, who they are, plans if kids involved)
  • Your personalised background/love story (where did you meet, what you love about each other etc) for me to create a story for you
  • Supplier List (Great for a checklist and for me to know who I am working with)

You will ALSO find information on:

  • What will happen on the day re me and your ceremony?
  • How to obtain your marriage certificate/change your name if desired
  • Couples Counselling Information
  • Happily Ever After Brochure
  • The Legal Documentation

It’s fun, simple and easy! With all these resources and a celebrant with such an engaging and entertaining personality, you’ll have the best ceremony ever!

So, DO NOT hesitate and book an appointment now!



What does the Ultimate Celebrant Package include?

  • Obligation-free chat in person, phone or Skype (do we click?)
  • EXCLUSIVE access to an INSPIRATION PACKAGE to help plan and create a personalised ceremony
  • Tips, tricks, hints and ideas for all those involved in the ceremony that come from years of experience
  • Second meeting to finalise ceremony details, legal paperwork and a couple rehearsal
  • Support throughout the whole process with an easy-going, friendly and stress-free approach
  • Quality PA system and stand for music and microphone
  • Amazing custom ceremony delivered with love and laughs from this Melbourne Celebrant!
  • Commemorative wedding certificate and envelope
  • All legal paperwork lodged with Births, Deaths and Marriages
  • Marriage registered online
  • Follow-up details on how to apply for your certificate
  • Further Inclusions:
  • Your own personalised planning pack
  • Certificates for Flower Girls and Page Boys
  • Celebrant Julie signing pen for you to keep
  • Name Change Kit
  • A small feature on my Facebook and Instagram (with permission of course)